Everything changed

Okay so this week has been a hard one, on Wednesday I saw how unprepared I was and pushed filming back a few days to Saturday. But a lot has changed these past few days.

To start all these changes I will talk about the story first. To condense my opening like I wanted too, I thought of the significance of the mother and daughter scene and if I truly needed it to show my characters development and relationship problems through this scene, and it wasn't necessary. But with the mother and daughter scene gone, there was no purpose to the "Amile" style opening narration, so I also took that out. too add to these changes I also made the time of year summer. Instead of the two characters in love meeting in school, I made the story all in one setting so that I dont have to rely on two areas to film. This change also supports the idea of Rowins whole world, or at least everything she finds extremely important in her life is all in her house, she has no reason to leave or socialize and this helps support the fact that Rowin has problems making friends and connections with the people she meets. As for why Sofia is in Rowins house, Leo (the father) teaches teens piano during the summer for extra money, and she wants to learn piano.

For actors, my father actor could only film Thursday and no other day for a week. I had to quickly find a new father, which i did who is ready to film Saturday and I found a grey button up shirt that fits him. For the main character, I begged one of my good friends to play the part because she was the actress I originally had in mind, after a very long conversation of back and forth "please i beg you" and "no!"'s she finally agreed! The crush is going to be the friend I talked about in an earlier post who was willing to play any role I needed her for. The friend that agreed to play the protagonist has a birthmark on her hand that I always found beautiful, so I decided to base the conversation between the two "lovers" around her birthmark.

Instead of filming Thursday I spent the whole day figuring out every detail of the script and the shots and angles I need for each line. Instead of the narrator opening I had in mind, im going to start the film off with a monologue I wrote for Rowin and then quickly make her talk about college apps and essays about herself, this gives the audience a taste of the stereotypical teenage drama where the main character talks about how she isn't "normal" but then to add comedy straight from the begging, quickly makes fun of herself for sounding dumb.

The main conflict I based the script on is "Protagonist V.S. Emotions" and the overall theme of the film is "Love". This concludes all the changes I made to my film.


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