Making progress on story!

I have worked on the actual plot and now opening dialogue for a while now. I constantly have this battle between making progress and getting stuck to end up finding something else on the project that i need to figure out completely. I wrote out the plan i wanted to pursue. My idea is heavily based on the Amilie film opening.

My film starts with a black screen, the music starts off low and builds up to a constant background sound. The narrator will state the date, time, and even second, then will list things happening at that exact moment, then end with "a girl asks her mother a very important question" and then my protagonist, as a young girl (5-10 years old) will ask her mother "how did you know you were in love with dad?" and a close up of the mother responding with an anecdote about how the two met and fell in love, this is supposed to leave you with a happy warm feeling but then quickly turn the feeling around when the mother abruptly dismisses her own story and says her goodbyes as she is leaving her daughter in the care of her father indefinitely. This scene is very sad but I need to make it more lighthearted and funny, I think im going to continue playing around with the script and maybe add the narrator back in to continue progressing the humor tone and not as much a drama tone. the music and editing will also help with this scene and make it seem more funny then it would normally be.

After that the scene would change with a contrast shot of the younger version of the protagonist crying into the present day protagonist crying about a movie (I can change this but i would like it to continue the comedy into the next scene and show the father and his comedic side) and her father commenting about how she always cries for this movie and she will reply like a teenager (stereotypically snarky). the father and daughter have almost like a college roommate type of conversation. the protagonist dialogue will be mature for her age and the fathers will be immature for his age so they will meet in the middle and talk almost like equals.

The fathers job will be a chorus teacher, this plays off of the anecdote about how the mother and father met. I heard this story of my friends parents meeting and decided to base my films parents on that story because i felt it fitted. I will continue the story later but for now I feel like I made a lot of progress but not enough, im going to need to start filming soon, especially with this break coming.


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