The Journey Begins!

Trying to formulate ideas about my film opening is a lot harder then i expected. i was told about this project the first week of school. back then i had many ideas about my film opening and how i wanted it to look. When i first enrolled in this class i knew very little about all the details and love that a film needs in order to thrive, but throughout the year i have gained a new appreciation for all media. As i sit in my room thinking about all my "amazing" ideas i had in the begging of the year, i feel as if my past ideas are not what present me wants to make.

At first i wanted to follow one of my favorite directors (Edgar Wright) style and play off of his key stylistic choices he shows in most of his films. but then after researching his style and how he shows his message i decided i wanted to go a different route. Even if i decide not to go with his comedic style i still feel like my film opening is going to be influenced by his work greatly. one of my favorite movies is Scott pilgrim vs the world 

I feel clueless as i look through different genres and film openings searching for a spark that will ignite my passion and motivation to make my project an amazing one.


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