
Showing posts from April, 2018

My Creative Critical Reflection


Final Product!


Opening scene

I started the editing process and got around 1 hour in before my computer shut down randomly... I lost all my work. This week has not been my week at all. So after crying for about 15 minutes I got back to work and now that I had an idea on what i wanted it would be easier. I couldn't get  as much of it as I already had, but this is what I finished. I personally dont like how the audio sounds and want to fix it, I also dont like how the opening feels bland and forced, not as smooth as I wanted it.  I will fix all of these bumps throughout the week but im very disappointed I could barely get any actual progress done on my film, this means I have to work double as hard the rest of the time I have.  (I also found out very late in the editing process that I need to pay for this editing service and if I dont it puts a HUGE water mark in the middle of my film...this pissed me off... a lot.)

Loss of wifi = Loss of work

The internet in my house has been down all week. I couldn't get any work done or practice editing videos because I couldn't download the software in time. I downloaded and learned the basics as fast as I could but i still need to start the editing process. I honestly dont have much of an update due to the fact that I couldn't work on it all week. But I will explain some key points in my film. The whole film takes place in Rowins house to support the idea that she stays home because everything important to her in in one place, this helps the fact that she meets Sofia in her house as well. I named the film "Flamingo" because of the pink color coding I did to the main character and also the fact that flamingos are monogamous, one mate for life. The opening is a small monologue which tells a story Rowins mother used to tell her before she left about her birthday, then is continued with a remark about college applications to give Rowin an age, and also breaks the s...

Editing Process

Now that I got all my filming done (or so I hope, I still need to review all the shots I took) I need to start editing. Just like ant skill, before getting good i need to know the basics. I decided to take the next few days to learn how to edit, by watching tutorials and trying to edit some old videos I have on my phone. My good friend Daniel told me he uses "Final cut pro" to edit but others tend to use "IMovies" because its easier to learn. Since I dont own a mac and only have an iphone, I decided I should learn how to use final cut pro! After some research, I found out final cut pro was also for Mac computers... very disappointed. I searched and found a good one called Filmora and I will search tutorials for this editing software and how to navigate it! This week I will learn how to edit and start the process for my film.